Window in video inlay

Posted in Video Editing on April 1st, 2011 6:46 am by admin

Window in video inlay

There is a small windwo in the middle of the video monitor/inlay.  It looks like its supposed to be there but I don't know how it got there, how to get rid of it, or how to use it to my advantage. 



Advise on workflow for Sony EX:

Hi been trying to find a workflow for Avid 5.0 (could upgrade if that would change anything) and Sony EX (XDCAM) filebased mp4s. Anyone that been using this camera and cards, tried to access the mp4 files via AMA but it does not recognize them as qts. Also been searching the internet for hours to find a donwloadabe codec for the format but with no success (can only find codec packs that costs money).

Any tips on setting up a worflow? Im gussing that I should find the codec (pleasa anyone got a link?) access the EX files via AMA and hopefully work with it in lowres and then consolidate the files later on to a avid dnxhd format.

Read about using sonys own software to convert the files but that seems pre AMA worfklow.

I will receive the files on a external HD all mapped with camera / time of day.

Please advise, anyone done this?

Stefan Ström



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