Batch Import of AVCHD Fails in MC6

Posted in Video Editing on December 24th, 2011 7:45 am by admin

Batch Import of AVCHD Fails in MC6

Every batch import of any AVCHD file I've tried in MC6 has failed with the following error in the console:


Total AVCHD audio execute time is 103322 microseconds


Total AVCHD video execute time is 29452 microseconds

binImportMpeg – Audio tracks are longer than master mob.

BatchImport::RelinkToMaster – IMPORT_TOO_SHORT

Cannot reduce duration of clip shorter than current duration

theMasterComp=240 masterMob=237

Batch import clip 2 of 2 FAILED: with error:


Batch imported 0 of 2 clips


UPDATE: To anyone reading this, the issue has been reported to Avid by the moderators. For now we found a workaround: delete the media of the DNxHD imported file (the one you're trying to batch import). Then do a traditional import of the same source AVCHD file, and relink the offline master clip to the newly imported media. This effectively changes the DNxHD resolution of the master clip, while keeping all references to the clip in sequences online.



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