scary tale of missing tc’s

Posted in Video Editing on October 2nd, 2011 6:42 am by admin

scary tale of missing tc’s

hi all

quite often i will have to edit a game of cricket "7hrs" for example and i like to lay it all out on the timeline from start to end and then cut it down using logs of the match.

i can quickly type it the tc's a jump straight to the next bit i need  . However , alot of the time when a recorded clip/ seg has been started before midnight and past through the 00:00 (only after midnight does the clip loose ref) to the next day suddenly i will not be able to type in tc's* until the next new block that has been rec on the new day starts. 

*I can type it in, but when press enter  it just goes" bing" and flips me the bird.

the tc's work fine in the preview its just on the timeline for some reason.

using 5.5 w/interplay , dart and ardome.

can anybody solve the mystery? 



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