“Segmentation fault” in thread “MainThread”, at address 0x0

Posted in Video Editing on December 1st, 2010 7:51 am by admin

“Segmentation fault” in thread “MainThread”, at address 0x0

Getting this error a lot at the school where I am currently working.  Hopefully in the next few days I will have the opportunity to try some things out but it occurred to me that there might be a very simple answer. Idea  I have seen this error only once before outside the school and that is on my MacBook Pro which, apart from running Media Composer v5.0.3, is also running Final Cut Studio… (there, I said it) <gasp!>

Could it be that this weirdness is somehow linked to both these applications residing on the same partition? (no they are NOT running simultaneously)

As it is, I am going to try trashing some media databases, try new users etc but I wonder if those who have also encountered this error also have FCS and Media Composer on the same partition?

Watch this space…

I would like to complain about a Forum Moderator


You read the title correctly.

I really would like to complain about a Moderator.

Namely – MYSELF!

When I lived in Scotland and then later in Sweden, my Scottish stubborness was always noticeable.
I said what I thought, even though it quite often made a lot of people angry and unhappy.

With my career in Judo, I began to learn more and more about co-operation and the efficient use of a little effort to produce a big effect.

Then, after arriving in Japan 10 years ago, I was faced with the choice of "learn to be tolerant at all times –  even though it hurt mentally" or "act as a stubborn Scot at all times and be frozen out of Japanese scociety".

I chose the former.
I was able to adapt and integrate quite well.

I do not always follow the rules here, but when I break them I still keep close to the norms.

As a moderator on the Forums here, I have tried to use my Japanese attitude towards users and be tolerant etc.

But recently, I have been forgetting myself.
Recently I have been openly critical of Avid and its direction etc.
The criticism in itself may not be so bad…. it is the way I put it over in various posts.

So today, being my day off, I took a long hard look at myself and the environment here on the Forums.
I can see that I have forgotten the many lessons in co-operation and tolerance that I have been learning here in Japan.

I want to do a good job as a moderator.

I cannot do that if I don't follow the rules and go through the proper channels when I am not satisfied with some aspect of policy or development in the future of Avid and MC.

Still referring to myself, but also aware that there are others on the forums who miss the same points, here are some things I will try and be better at in the future.

1. Of course I will try to answer users queries in a helpful and friendly way. Without any small sarcastic comments etc. In doing so I will always try and include direct links to any KnowledgeBase or posts that I refer to.

2. Report any problem that I may feel could be a bug in a straightforward level-headed manner. Giving as much detail as to how I feel the "bug" can be replicated. In this way other users can join that thread and post useful feedback so that engineering have a chance of finding and correcting the bug.

3. If I read a post about another user reporting a possible bug, I will try (if I have time) to replicate it and either confirm I also have it, or that I cannot replicate the problem.

4. If I ever have someone provoke me in a post (it happens from time to time) I will use the extremely efficient way of tolerance by refusing to rise to the bait. You know , "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" It takes 2 to argue.

5. If I see Avid taking a turn in a direction that does not seem correct for me, I will try and see the whole picture. What may seem like a negative development to me at that moment in time, probably is the result of some deeper development within Avid.  Whether it will eventually affect me in the long term or not is something that I should just wait and see…..  I am not saying that I should not voice my opinion and dissatisfaction – BUT I need do it only ONCE. No matter what is said about Avid listening or not… I am sure that Avid does see what we write. But if we write the same thing over and over….. the impact actually becomes less and less. Remember the boy who cried, "Wolf"?

Also – Avid is staffed by humans – humans make mistakes. we all make mistakes. To correct a mistake we need breathing space… not a constant bickering and pressure from others.

So I am going to begin to wrap it up here now.

I am complaining about myself because I have forgotten what I am doing here.

I am a moderator and I should be a good example to everyone else in this Community.

I am an MC user, so i should be getting on with editing with MC and learning more and more about using it well, rather than waste my time griping about the problems over and over again.

If there are problems with MC I can help report them and then leave it to the engineers, while I get on with editing – using some workarounds until the problems are fixed.

Finally, I hope we all can take a little time out and really think about why we are here.



PS. This self criticism is my own idea. I have posted it becasue I want to.
If I ever forget myself, I will be more than happy for anyone in the community to go "Douglas… are you forgetting your promise?" and remind me.

Only 25 more editing days to Christmas – or 30 more editing days to New Year (for Japan…… not so much Christmas here).




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